CHAIN ID(금융투자업권 블록체인 공동인증)




CHAIN ​​ID is the first project of the [financial investment consortium eopgwon block chain.Using the characteristics of the block chain, we built a financial investment eopgwon own authentication system.Increase the number of simple, convenient, etc. fingerprint authentication process is further enhanced new security authentication system.CHAIN ​​ID one anywhere can access financial services.● Why did you use a chain block?   Block chain is a key technology of the fourth round of industrial revolution, you can create a reliable trading system that can, without intermediaries.   Building without a certificate authority certificates between financial institutions and systems that can handle digital signatures can provide a more customer-oriented services by.● Feeling like some point?    1. You can use a simple code or fingerprint authentication certificates did not provide the certification authority.    2. The period of validity of the certificate has been increased to three years.    3. have been applied to other agencies certificate enrollment process is remarkably easy.● Can I use where?   Currently, it began to use the financial investment eopgwon, the future can also be used in a variety of financial / business services, including financial investment eopgwon.